School Life > The School Day The School Day Our School Day is shaped to provide a varied and balanced mix of lessons, sport, co-curricular activities and student-led study. We review it regularly to incorporate the best practice in child development and learning. One signficant difference to other boarding schools is holding our Personal Study Period - commonly known as 'prep time' for completing out-of-class assignments - before Supper. Research shows young people are more attuned for learning at this time of the day, plus it means more subject teachers are available to assist with 'prep work' and that the evenings can be kept free for co-curricular activities. Another important factor is to ensure that Day Pupils feel as involved in the life of the school as their friends who board. This means they share the same Houses, are able to attend for Breakfast or Supper if they wish, and that they are on the school grounds for the Personal Study Periods in the early-evening and for all our timetabled sport. You can view the full timetable of the School Day in the Downloads box.