Admissions > Open Days & Visits

Open Days

Most prospective parents arrange to visit the school at least three years before their child is due to join. We hold regular Open Days and Online Events to learn about life in our beautiful small school. We aim to keep all our events small, so that visitors are able to really talk to staff and pupils. For this reason, places on Open Days must be booked in advance.

Open Day Programme

We start with a short presentation from the Head, followed by tours in small groups with Third Form pupils and Sixth Form students. You'll take part in workshops with senior pastoral and academic staff, visit a boarding house, visit classrooms and experience some of the activities and facilities available.

After the tour, you'll be able to meet with Heads of Department over a light lunch. We will also show you our Abbey and give you the chance to visit the School Farm and Stables, if this is something you're interested in.

Open Days are open to all years of entry from age 13 and take place at least twice a year. To make the best use of your time, we can also offer Admissions Interviews on the same day for any students who are already registered. 

Dates for our next Open Days  Places at Open Days are limited, so must be booked in advance using the links above or by contacting the Admissions Office via or on 01258 881804.

Taster Days

For families who have already registered with us, we offer Taster Days for your child to experience a day at Milton Abbey. Please contact the Admissions Team directly if you would like to attend.

Introductory Mornings

In addition to our Open Days, we offer families the chance to join us for an Introductory Morning once per term. These events are limited to five families per day and are aimed at families who wish to visit the school for a general overview, rather than wait for an Open Day.

We will organise an introduction to the school with the Head or Senior Deputy Head, conversations with a Housemaster or Housemistress and with senior Academic members of staff. This visit will also include a comprehensive tour of the school with our students and the chance to speak to pastoral and academic staff over coffee.

Once ready to have your chid considered for a place, parents are invited to Register their child and
come in for a full Admissions Visit.

Dates for our next Introductory Mornings

lease contact the Admissions Team to check availability and reserve your place via or on 01258 881804.

Admissions Visits

Our more detailed, individual Admissions Visits are for pupils who are already Registered and wish to be assessed to confirm a place at Milton Abbey. Admissions Visits are private and tailor-made to take into account each pupil’s interests. We recommend visiting the school in person, however we can offer these remotely if necessary.

For Lower School entry, we recommend pupils join us on Experience Days from Year 5, which enable them to get to know the school. We recommend registering for a place in Year 6 or Year 7 in order to be assessed two years before their planned entry to the school at age 13 for Third Form. For the Sixth Form, we usually meet potential students during their Year 10 school year. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us, even if outside of these windows, as we can often support applications at various times.

Admissions Visits include a pupil interview with a member of the Senior Leadership Team, a private meeting with parents, a visit to a boarding house, and a tour of the school including any facilities or subjects you are particularly interested in. You are also able to meet a Head of Department, the Director of Sport, or our Head of Learning Development. The visit can also include assessment for any Scholarship applications.

In order to prepare for your visit and to be able to make a quick decision about offering a place at the school, the following is required for your Admissions Visit:
  • A completed Registration Form
  • Your Registration Fee must have been received
  • An Educational Psychology Report (if applicable)
  • A reference from your child's current school (received before the visit)
Prep Schools will also provide us with a copy of your child's Independent Schools' Examining Body Common Transfer Form and their most recent School Report prior to them starting at Milton Abbey.

We look forward to meeting you. If you wish to register for a place, book a visit or have any questions, please contact us via or on 01258 881804.