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Harvest Festival

On Sunday 8 October Milton Abbey held a special Harvest Festival service in the Abbey, led by the Reverend Jo Davis.

A most impressive collection of food, toiletries and other items was gathered at the front of the Abbey following kind donations by pupils, parents and staff in aid of The Bus Shelter Dorset.

Liz Reeve, a trustee for The Bus Shelter Dorset, attended the service and talked to the Milton Abbey community about the progress of the Weymouth bus so far.  Liz also spoke about life and homelessness, asking pupils to imagine lining up dominoes for every important factor of their lives - family members, favourite possessions, cricket bats, musical instruments, mental health, self confidence, self worth etc. She then explained that one life event, such as a marriage breakdown, or loss of a job can push over the first domino, and that can be all it takes for the whole line of them to fall. In this situation, we hope that there is someone who can stand in the way, and stop the line from collapsing for us. It may be a friend, or family member, or a stranger.
Liz thanked the pupils and staff for the amazingly generous donations of food, money and toiletries and explained that it was more than just the giving of sustenance, but more so Milton Abbey helping to stand in the way of dominoes for those who have no one else to help them.

More information on The Bus Shelter Dorset project can be found at